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Invitation to the  2nd Annual Metaverse Summit in L.A. in October '23
Bill's MSc. defence and last day in the lab in September 2023

Recent Publications

May 2021 (click for more)

Quick Facts

In people with low vision
depression X3
falls & social dependence X2


Every 12 minutes in Canada,
a person is diagnosed with visual impairment

For 69% of Canadians,vision loss is
the most
feared disability

300 million

people worldwide

have low vision

$30 billion will be the
total cost of vision loss
in Canada in 2030.

In the News

A visionary computational model

Lab members & Collaborators

Front row: Bill Zhang (grad. student - University of Toronto), Atri Sen (CRA), Danielle Tchao (CRC), Dr. Mariana Misawa (ophthalmologist - medical fellow, University of Toronto).

Back row: Kyle Cheung (lab manager), Dr. Michael Reber (PI), Dr. Monica Daibert-Nido (senior ophthalmologist, professor, University of Toronto), Dr. Lora Appel (collaborator - Professor, York University), Eduardo Garcia-Giler (grad. student, University of Toronto), James Dunbar (grad. student, University of Toronto).

Missing: Pi Nasir (computer scientist), Dr. Samuel Markowitz (senior ophthalmologist - director low vision program - University of Toronto)

Low vision - Visual rehabilitation - Retinal Diseases - Retina - Neuron - Biomaterial - Ephrin - Computational model
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